Sunday, July 6, 2014

6th of July, 2014
  Intern Shareef's Blog #11:
  Last day at Malinalco. This morning we went and had breakfast at Casa Luna. Today I got sunny-side up eggs and ate A LOT of this sweet bread. It was so delicious and it tasted kind of like a dry cinnamon bun of some sort. Anyways after that we went back to the hotel and I laid down and helped watch Leticia's kids while uncle Jason took the students to a retreat. While they were away we played at the mini park (that has a slide, a teeter-totter, a swing, and the gymnast rings) at the pool. Then we headed to a culture center where I made a ceramic J for my uncle J-ason. It was kind of hard because I wanted to make it smooth and shaped very well. It ended up cracking a bit though. After that we went to a museum and learned about the crops in Malinalco as well as all the butterflies Malinalco has (they have over 300 species of butterflies.) We also went in to a replica of the pyramid and learned how one would  become a warrior. They would have to go in to the pyramid/temple and would be isolated in a room with two priests and the governor. The man who wanted to be a warrior would have to pierce their nose cartilage with a nail from an animals claw and would put the blood in a hole in the ground as an offering to the gods. When we were finished with the museum I bought a little cactus for my uncle because I didn't like the cactus we ate so I threw it away but now he can replenish the few pieces in a few months or years.
 When they got back from the retreat a couple of hours later we went back to D.F and the ride was very beautiful and we saw many different sceneries as well as little towns and a big ATV sight. It was a really nice drive even though I wasn't feeling too well.


  1. I love reading these're learning a lot of cool things about Mexico.i don't know why it says amara says cause this is grandpa typing

    1. It says Amara because you are logged into Amara's account/blog.
